Your need to know about destination weddings
Once you’ve picked out your ideal wedding locale overseas, the next step is figuring out how to plan a destination wedding far from home (and then take a few deep breaths). Throwing a destination wedding means you’re in for a much more intimate ceremony and can basically enjoy a two-for one wedding and honeymoon. But, before you jet off to a foreign land to marry your love, you have some important details to consider as you start planning a destination wedding.
Choose a meaningful location.
When choosing a location make sure to check if it has all your desired feature, whether its beaches, waterfalls or just a certain look and feeling about it. Also check if the town you’re in is able to accommodate you and your guests in close proximity if that’s what you would want.
Notify guests well in advance
To avoid any disappointment be sure to let your guests know well in advance so they can also make all their arrangements and save money or get off work if they need to in order to be with you.
Embrace the setting to save big
If you’re running on a tight budget then be sure to pick a venue that has a beautiful setting already so you don’t need to go too full on with the decor. So choose wisely because you’ll save big with this one.
Consider your guests
When picking places to stay and things to do just keep your guests in mind when going on affordability because not everyone necessarily has the money.
Hire a pro
Finding a wedding planner that can help ease all your worries for the day. They know exactly what they’re doing and will make life so much easier for you. This way you can also completely eliminate the whole issue of the language barrier.
Visit in advance
Best case scenario would be to visit your wedding destination in advance. This way you can just get a feel for the place and familiarise yourself with the surroundings so when you get there for your wedding you know exactly where to go and avoid a mad rush.
Budget for vendors
If you decide to bring your vendors from home then be sure to ad their travel and accommodation expenses into your budget too. And if you’re using local vendors be sure to pick them in person.
Stuff that suitcase.
Shipping anything overseas always comes with a huge risk factor and the time constraint being your wedding day that is looming just ads so much more room for error. So rather pack as much as you can into your luggage to avoid any disappointment and stress - you have enough of that!
Tailor your wedding dress
Breathable fabrics work best in the hot, humid weather at these exotic destinations. Think lightweight and airy for your fabrics.
Never check your dress.
Always carry your dress on board the plane, even if it means having to fold it! Never check it in on the planes luggage belt.